Mladinski svet Občine Slovenske Konjice (English name - Local Youth Council of Slovenske Konjice; herein referred to as MSOSK) is a non-governmental organisation established in 2003. It enables networking of youth organisations that are in 90 % uniting youngsters according to their common interest aged up to 29 years and in which the leadership is in 70 % aged between 15 and 29 years and are founded in the municipality of Slovenske Konjice.
The vision of MSOSK is to represent and maintain a strong network between member organisations, offering them help at realization of common projects. It also encourages active citizenship and founding of new youth organisations. Member organisations can through MSOSK communicate with decision makers in the municipality and other relevant key bodies that determine the development of youth policies on the local level.
Future plans of MSOSK include the upgrade of networking between the member organisations which will result in continuous exchange of knowledge and competences. Through this their contribution to professional and overall development of the youth sector on the local level will be even stronger.
MSOSK is implementing and cooperating in various projects for youth. If you are searching for reliable partners, feel free to contact us:
Phone: +3863 759 13 20
Fax: +3863 759 13 21
Mobile: +38651 308 500
This web page was established with the financial support by EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the funding period 2009-2014 within the project Mladi ambasadorji medkulturnega dialoga (translation – Young Ambassadors of Intercultural Dialogue). You can get more info about the project here.